How can I increase my chances of success with my book and e-book?

In the first part of this series, we presented the importance of strategy and product quality. This second part is more about building your author name as a brand and promoting your book projects.

In today’s book industry, it is easier to see if you have many titles. Some authors, who switch between different genres, use different author names for various books, especially if it is a very common name that does not stand out.

One should then try to create a clear brand for each author’s name. This way, one can reach different target groups and markets using different channels. These author names can be anonymous. One reason for creating a pen name may be that what you write does not fit with your usual professional role.

Maybe a lawyer doesn’t want to put his name on erotic short stories or children’s books. If, on the other hand, a criminal lawyer writes a piece in which a lawyer is the main character, it is a selling point that the author has the same profession as his main character and thus possesses knowledge of the subject.

Try to establish yourself and your book or books as a brand to retain your readers and also to win new ones. Also, try to imagine how your readers perceive you and your titles. It can also help you ask friends in your social circle to gather feedback.

Then compare the answers and set goals you want to achieve. Authors use a variety of methods to promote themselves and often with different purposes, such as being entertaining, different or interesting. Here, how you dress, accessories and general presence can play a key role in creating a professional “image”. It is important to be consistent, feel comfortable and always shine through with their own personality in all communication. A significant but gratifying challenge is finding the core of your own brand.


Self-esteem: the personality you want to reflect: do you want it to be genuine or invented? Think about who you are and who you would like to be to find, develop or shape your author’s name as a brand.

Author photo: Your photo or pictures that you use should match the brand you intended and the image you want to give to your readers. For example, if you focus on creating your “image” as a happy and funny children’s book author, then images or photos that make a dark, depressing and gloomy impression will not fit. Use a professional photographer who can understand what “image” you want to give. A professional photographer can reflect this with the help of selected locations, lights, details and possibly through processing in Photoshop.

Own website: It is important for your readers that they can find you online. Having your website that you regularly update should give you added value as you develop your brand as a writer. Here you present yourself and your books and all other important information that you want to convey to your readers.

If you need help with creating a professional author web site, just contact us, we can help.

Active on social media: Find your appropriate platforms to get in touch with your target audience. Although you may feel that you are “exposing yourself” by using social media, you do not have to write about personal things or talk openly about your opinions if you do not want to. Instead, take advantage of the broad readership that you can reach through social media and perhaps write about why you started writing and what thoughts made you write one or the other book. You can write about new book projects that you have started and why. Make your readers curious!

Press and media: Editors are particularly interested in different stories that they can tell. Contact various newspapers and media that may be interested in your books and with you as a writer. With the help of a pre-written press release and photos, you can get magazines to pick up on your particular story. Feel free to start regionally as it becomes a more emotional connection to write about a writer and her work that comes from the place.

Be active at events: Being involved in various relevant events is an excellent opportunity to get in touch with your existing target audience and find new ones. You can also network and gather inspiration from other writers and industry people, which is essential for your book’s success. There are many events you can take advantage.


To profile yourself as a writer today has a much greater significance than before because the competition is tough. To achieve success, you must keep an overview of all the different actions and marketing activities that you carry out and follow up.

Keep control of yourself, rely on yourself and hold on to the threads! Almost no one gets rich from dropping a book and it’s hard to live by writing. But if you want to try, you should see yourself as a brand and build-up activities around it. Of course, also be inspired by others and bring in new ideas that you can use when promoting your brand.

The most useful tool is to believe in yourself and dare to do something new. Behind each new door there are additional doors, which in turn lead to something new and exciting.

All the best, Melissa Mayer.



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